The Transformation Fetish

I have always had a thing for transformations.  It goes back to before I was even in kindergarten, even in nursery school.  There were two “Our Gang/Little Rascals” shorts that I saw on television.  One of them was “Beginner’s Luck,” an early Spanky-starring short of the series.  (It also marked the first appearance of Alfalfa in the series)  In this short, Spanky’s mother has entered Spanky in a kid’s talent contest, where he is to recite Antony’s eulogy from Julius Caesar.  I won’t give away everything.  But, at the end of the short, Spanky’s mother is on the stage when the curtain is pulled.  The hem of her dress is hooked on the curtain and the dress is pulled off while she’s still on stage, leaving her in her slip while the entire audience of men, women, and children bears witness to her humiliation.

(I found a still of this scene, but it’s in a format that won’t allow me to paste it in the blog. So this link is the best that I can do: )

Spanky, trying to come to his mother’s rescue, pushes a picture in front of her, with the result that it looks like her head is on the body of an animal.  I know this was the first time I learned the effect that  transformation had on me, because I still remember, 60-some years later, that the night after seeing that short, having an arousing dream in which Spanky’s mother didn’t just hide behind a picture that made it look like her head was on the body of an animal, in the dream, she WAS the animal.  (In all honesty, due to my age at the time, what I experienced wasn’t so much a wet dream as a “wet-the-bed” dream.)  Yes, Spanky’s mother being in her underwear at the end might’ve lent the short a sexual element to my four-or-five year old self at the time.  But I think it was already there.

The other “Little Rascals” short was “Shrimps for a Day,” in which an engaged couple are turned into children by Aladdin’s Lamp.  At the end of this short, the little girl wishes to be “big again,” and instantly grows back into an adult, but the nightgown she’s wearing doesn’t grow, giving us a pretty good look at her legs for a 1934 short.

(Same situation, except this link will take you to a page of stills, including one which shows you the woman just after she’s been changed back from having been a little girl: )

But that was the beginning of a fetish I’ve had all of my life.  A lot of good examples of this fetish, as I’ve already said, are on display in my gallery.  I’ve had fantasies of teachers, neighbors, women on TV, classmates, my psychologist, and others being transformed.

I have some personal rules about what I do and don’t like in transformation stories and art:

I’m not into TransGender transformations.  I’ve learned over the years that many people like to imagine themselves turning into whatever gender they aren’t.  If you’re one of them, that’s fine, more power to you.  But I don’t like TG myself.  Just not my thing.

I prefer reading stories or seeing art or movies about women who are transformed.  One of my great disappointments involving Bewitched or I Dream of Jeannie is that so few of the people transformed are women.  This is mostly because the protagonists of those shows were male, I know.  But when are we going to get the show about a mortal woman married to a warlock or having a male djinn?

I REALLY don’t like stories where a transformed person is killed while transformed.  For this reason, I seldom like seeing stories where someone is transformed into an insect or something else easily killed.  (Granted, my story posted not too long ago, “Annelid Analyst,” took a pretty dark turn with its transformation.  But I made sure she survived it.)

I like age regression stories, not so much age progression.  I think that’s because age progression happens naturally to all of us.  And, as for age regression, I’ve run into some people who think the appeal of that fantasy is imagining having sex with someone regressed to an underage state.  There may be such people, but I’m not one of them.  For most, they like to imagine being regressed themselves.  For me, it’s imagining the regressed person having to deal with their adult mind in a child’s body that interests me.  

I like to imagine the transformed with their mind and intelligence in their transformed states.  This goes especially if the transformed is an inanimate object, a statue or mannequin or doll or some such.  Sometimes, just enough of their mind to be aware of what’s happened to them.

This posting is an attempt to start a dialogue on the Transformation Fetish.  (I call the people who are under its spell “metamorphiliacs.”  If you have a term you prefer, let me know.)  You know it’s more than just fantasy because you feel it inside you.  Just like someone knows they’re gay, someone also knows they’re into transformation.  Those of you who are reading this, if you’re a metamorphiliac yourself or know someone who is, please direct them to this post.  I know there are others out there.  

I got started on this idea when I heard from someone who’d become a fan of my gallery.  It was one of those “I thought I was the only one!” posts.  Let’s let others know they aren’t alone and that there’s a place to discuss this.

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